Collective Nouns for Stints: Exploring the World of Small Shorebirds

The collective noun for stint is a flock. A group of stints can also be referred to as a flight, a whirl, or a time.

Collective nouns of Stints in a table:

Noun Collective Noun In a Phrase
Stints Flock A Flock of Stints
Stints Flight A Flight of Stints
Stints Whirl A Whirl of Stints
Stints Time A Time of Stints

What is a group of Stints called?

A group of stints is called a flock. However, there are other collective nouns that can be used to describe a group of stints depending on the context.

Let’s explore the collective noun of stints with context and example sentences:

A Flock of Stints

A flock of stints is used to describe a group of these small shorebirds when they are seen together in their natural habitat.

Example sentences:

  • As we walked along the shore, we spotted a flock of stints feeding on the mudflats.
  • The flock of stints took flight as we approached.
  • A flock of stints flew in unison, creating a beautiful sight in the sky.

A Flight of Stints

A flight of stints is a term used to describe a group of these birds when they are seen flying together.

Example sentences:

  • We were lucky to witness a flight of stints during their annual migration.
  • The flight of stints soared gracefully across the horizon.
  • A flight of stints flew in a V-formation, taking turns to lead the way.

A Whirl of Stints

A whirl of stints is a poetic term used to describe a group of these birds, emphasizing their quick and agile movements.

Example sentences:

  • The whirl of stints darted across the water, catching insects in mid-air.
  • We were mesmerized by the whirl of stints as they danced on the shoreline.
  • A whirl of stints moved in perfect synchronization, creating a mesmerizing sight.

A Time of Stints

A time of stints is a rare and poetic term used to describe a group of these birds, evoking a sense of the passage of time and the changing of seasons.

Example sentences:

  • As we watched the time of stints, we were reminded of the cyclical nature of life.
  • The time of stints marked the arrival of spring, bringing new life to the marshlands.
  • A time of stints gathered on the shore, preparing for their long journey ahead.

Brief Introduction of Stints

Stints are small wading birds that belong to the family Scolopacidae, which also includes sandpipers and snipes. They are found in various parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

There are several species of stints, including:

  • Little Stint (Calidris minuta)
  • Temminck’s Stint (Calidris temminckii)
  • Long-toed Stint (Calidris subminuta)
  • Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Calidris pygmeus)
  • Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis)
  • Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla)
  • White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis)

Interesting Facts About Stints

  • Stints are some of the smallest shorebirds in the world, with some species weighing less than an ounce.
  • Stints have a unique feeding behavior called “stitching,” where they rapidly probe the mud with their bills to find food.
  • Stints are known for their long-distance migrations, with some species traveling up to 9,000 miles each year.
  • Stints are monogamous and form strong pair bonds during the breeding season.
  • Stints are highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, including mudflats, marshes, and tundra.
  • Stints have a distinctive call that sounds like a high-pitched “tut-tut-tut.”


Stints may be small in size, but they are fascinating birds with unique behaviors and adaptations. The collective noun of flock, flight, whirl, and time are a testament to their beauty and importance in the natural world.