What is the Collective Noun for Vehicles?

What is the Collective Noun for Vehicles?

The collective noun for vehicles is convoy. Fleet, caravan, and line are the other group names for vehicles.

Vehicles Convoy A convoy of vehicles
Vehicles Fleet A fleet of vehicles
Vehicles Caravan A caravan of vehicles
Vehicles Line A line of vehicles
Vehicles Collective Noun

What is a group of Vehicles called?

A group of vehicles is called a convoy. Besides, based on different situations terms like fleet, caravan, and line are used to denote a group of vehicles.

A Convoy of Vehicles

A convoy of vehicles is used to describe a group of vehicles travelling together, usually for safety or security reasons.

Examples sentences:

  • The convoy of vehicles was travelling across the desert.
  • The convoy of vehicles was escorted by the police.
  • The convoy of vehicles was heading to the next town.

A Fleet of Vehicles

A fleet of vehicles is used to describe a large group of vehicles owned by a single company or organization.

Examples sentences:

  • The fleet of vehicles was parked in the company lot.
  • The fleet of vehicles was used to transport goods.
  • The fleet of vehicles was being serviced by the mechanics.

A Caravan of Vehicles

A caravan of vehicles is used to describe a group of vehicles travelling together, usually for recreational purposes.

Examples sentences:

  • The caravan of vehicles was travelling across the countryside.
  • The caravan of vehicles was filled with families on vacation.
  • The caravan of vehicles was heading to the next campsite.

A Line of Vehicles

A line of vehicles is used to describe a group of vehicles travelling in a single file.

Examples sentences:

  • The line of vehicles was travelling down the highway.
  • The line of vehicles was waiting to cross the bridge.
  • The line of vehicles was heading to the next town.

Interesting Facts About Vehicles:

  • The first self-propelled vehicle was invented in 1769.
  • The first automobile was invented in 1885.
  • The first electric car was invented in 1891.
  • The first hybrid car was invented in 1900.
  • The first hydrogen fuel cell car was invented in 1966.
  • The first self-driving car was invented in 1995.


Vehicles have come a long way since the first self-propelled vehicle was invented in 1769. Their collective nouns of convoy, fleet, caravan, and line are proof of their evolution and the many ways they are used today.

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