What is the Collective Noun for Trucks?

The collective noun for trucks is a convoy. Fleet, caravan, and line are the other collective terms used for a group of trucks.

Trucks Convoy A convoy of trucks
Trucks Fleet A fleet of trucks
Trucks Caravan A caravan of trucks
Trucks Line A line of trucks
Trucks Collective Nouns

What is a group of Trucks called?

A group of trucks is called a convoy. Besides, based on different contexts words like fleet, caravan, and line are used to tell about a group of trucks.

A Convoy of Trucks

A convoy of trucks is used to describe a large group of trucks, usually when they are travelling together for a common purpose.

Examples sentences:

  • The convoy of trucks rumbled down the highway.
  • The convoy of trucks was transporting goods to the city.
  • The convoy of trucks was a sight to behold.

A Fleet of Trucks

A fleet of trucks is used to describe a group of trucks owned by a single company or organization.

Examples sentences:

  • The fleet of trucks was used to transport goods across the country.
  • The fleet of trucks was a common sight on the highways.
  • The fleet of trucks was a symbol of the company’s success.

A Caravan of Trucks

A caravan of trucks is used to describe a group of trucks travelling together for a common purpose.

Examples sentences:

  • The caravan of trucks was travelling across the desert.
  • The caravan of trucks was transporting goods to the city.
  • The caravan of trucks was a sight to behold.

A Line of Trucks

A line of trucks is used to describe a group of trucks travelling in a line.

Examples sentences:

  • The line of trucks was travelling down the highway.
  • The line of trucks was transporting goods to the city.
  • The line of trucks was a common sight on the roads.

Interesting Facts About Trucks:

  • Trucks are the most common form of motor vehicle in the world.
  • Trucks are used to transport goods and materials around the world.
  • Trucks are used in a variety of industries, including construction, agriculture, and mining.
  • Trucks are the most fuel-efficient form of motor vehicle.
  • Trucks are the most common form of motor vehicle in the United States.
  • Trucks are used to transport goods and materials around the world.


Trucks are an essential part of modern life. Their collective nouns of convoy, fleet, caravan, and line are proof of their importance in transportation.