What is the Collective Noun for Stars?

The collective noun for stars is constellation. Cluster, galaxy, and firmament are the other collective terms used to name a group of stars.

Stars Constellation A constellation of stars
Stars Cluster A cluster of stars
Stars Galaxy A galaxy of stars
Stars Firmament A firmament of stars
Stars Collective Noun

What is a group of Stars called?

A group of stars is called a constellation. Besides, based on different views words like cluster, galaxy, and firmament are used to denote a group of stars.

A Constellation of Stars

A constellation of stars is used to describe a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern in the night sky.

Examples sentences:

  • The constellation of stars twinkled in the night sky.
  • The constellation of stars formed a beautiful pattern.
  • The constellation of stars was a sight to behold.

A Cluster of Stars

A cluster of stars is used to describe a group of stars that are close together in the night sky.

Examples sentences:

  • The cluster of stars shone brightly in the night sky.
  • The cluster of stars was a beautiful sight.
  • The cluster of stars was mesmerizing to look at.

A Galaxy of Stars

A galaxy of stars is used to describe a large group of stars that are spread out across the night sky.

Examples sentences:

  • The galaxy of stars filled the night sky.
  • The galaxy of stars was a breathtaking sight.
  • The galaxy of stars was a sight to behold.

A Firmament of Stars

A firmament of stars is used to describe a large group of stars that are spread out across the night sky.

Examples sentences:

  • The firmament of stars filled the night sky.
  • The firmament of stars was a breathtaking sight.
  • The firmament of stars was a sight to behold.

Interesting Facts About Stars:

  • The sun is a star, and it is the closest star to Earth.
  • Stars come in different sizes, colors, and temperatures.
  • Stars are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium.
  • Stars can live for billions of years.
  • Stars can be found in galaxies throughout the universe.
  • Stars can be seen from Earth with the naked eye.


Stars are a beautiful and mysterious part of the universe. Their collective nouns of constellation, cluster, galaxy, and firmament are a testament to their awe-inspiring power.