What is the Collective Noun for Rubbish?

The collective noun for rubbish is a heap. Pile, mound, and dump are the other group names for rubbish.

Rubbish Heap A heap of rubbish
Rubbish Pile A pile of rubbish
Rubbish Mound A mound of rubbish
Rubbish Dump A dump of rubbish
Rubbish Collective Noun

What is a group of Rubbish called?

A group of rubbish is called a heap. Besides, based on different situations names like pile, mound, and dump are used to denote a group of rubbish.

A Heap of Rubbish

A heap of rubbish is used to describe a large group of rubbish, usually when it is scattered in a disorderly manner.

Examples sentences:

  • The heap of rubbish was scattered across the street.
  • The heap of rubbish was blocking the entrance to the park.
  • The heap of rubbish was growing larger by the day.

A Pile of Rubbish

A pile of rubbish is used to describe a group of rubbish that has been stacked in a pile.

Examples sentences:

  • The pile of rubbish was blocking the entrance to the park.
  • The pile of rubbish was growing larger by the day.
  • The pile of rubbish was a hazard to the environment.

A Mound of Rubbish

A mound of rubbish is used to describe a group of rubbish that has been piled up in a mound.

Examples sentences:

  • The mound of rubbish was blocking the entrance to the park.
  • The mound of rubbish was growing larger by the day.
  • The mound of rubbish was a hazard to the environment.

A Dump of Rubbish

A dump of rubbish is used to describe a group of rubbish that has been dumped in a pile.

Examples sentences:

  • The dump of rubbish was blocking the entrance to the park.
  • The dump of rubbish was growing larger by the day.
  • The dump of rubbish was a hazard to the environment.

Interesting Facts About Rubbish:

  • Rubbish is a major source of pollution in the environment.
  • Rubbish can take hundreds of years to decompose.
  • Rubbish can be recycled and reused.
  • Rubbish can be burned to produce energy.
  • Rubbish can be used to make compost.
  • Rubbish can be used to make art.


Rubbish is an ever-present problem in our environment, and its collective nouns of heap, pile, mound, and dump are a reminder of the need to reduce, reuse, and recycle.