What is the Collective Noun for Homework?

What is the Collective Noun for Homework?

The collective noun for homework is a pile. Stack, bundle, and batch are the other collective names for homework.

Homework Pile A pile of homework
Homework Stack A stack of homework
Homework Bundle A bundle of homework
Homework Batch A batch of homework
Homework Collective Noun

What is a group of Homework called?

A group of homework is called a pile. Besides, based on different situations terms like stack, bundle, and batch are used to denote a group of homework.

A Pile of Homework

A pile of homework is used to describe a large group of homework, usually when it is all due at the same time.

Examples sentences:

  • The pile of homework was daunting.
  • The pile of homework was growing by the minute.
  • The pile of homework was overwhelming.

A Stack of Homework

A stack of homework is used to describe a group of homework that is neatly organized.

Examples sentences:

  • The stack of homework was neatly arranged.
  • The stack of homework was organized by subject.
  • The stack of homework was ready to be graded.

A Bundle of Homework

A bundle of homework is used to describe a group of homework that is bound together.

Examples sentences:

  • The bundle of homework was tightly bound.
  • The bundle of homework was ready to be turned in.
  • The bundle of homework was securely fastened.

A Batch of Homework

A batch of homework is used to describe a group of homework that is assigned at the same time.

Examples sentences:

  • The batch of homework was due the following day.
  • The batch of homework was assigned to the entire class.
  • The batch of homework was difficult to complete.

Interesting Facts About Homework:

  • Homework has been around since the 16th century.
  • Homework is used to reinforce learning.
  • Homework can help students develop good study habits.
  • Homework can help students learn to manage their time.
  • Homework can help students develop critical thinking skills.
  • Homework can help students learn to work independently.


Homework may not be the most exciting thing in the world, but it is an important part of learning. Its collective nouns of pile, stack, bundle, and batch are proof of its importance in the classroom.

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