What is the Collective Noun for Computers?

The collective noun for computers is a network. Cluster, array, and suite are the other group names for computers.

Computers Network A network of computers
Computers Cluster A cluster of computers
Computers Array An array of computers
Computers Suite A suite of computers
Computers Collective Noun

What is a group of Computers called?

A group of computers is called a network. Besides, based on different situations terms like cluster, array, and suite are used to denote a group of computers.

A Network of Computers

A network of computers is used to describe a group of computers connected together to share resources and information.

Examples sentences:

  • The network of computers was connected to the internet.
  • The network of computers was used to store data.
  • The network of computers was used to share files.

A Cluster of Computers

A cluster of computers is used to describe a group of computers connected together to share resources and information.

Examples sentences:

  • The cluster of computers was connected to the internet.
  • The cluster of computers was used to store data.
  • The cluster of computers was used to share files.

An Array of Computers

An array of computers is used to describe a group of computers connected together to share resources and information.

Examples sentences:

  • The array of computers was connected to the internet.
  • The array of computers was used to store data.
  • The array of computers was used to share files.

A Suite of Computers

A suite of computers is used to describe a group of computers connected together to share resources and information.

Examples sentences:

  • The suite of computers was connected to the internet.
  • The suite of computers was used to store data.
  • The suite of computers was used to share files.

Interesting Facts About Computers:

  • The first computers were the size of a large room.
  • The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry.
  • The first computers used punch cards for input.
  • The first computers used magnetic tape for storage.
  • The first computers used magnetic drums for memory.
  • The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry.


Computers have come a long way since their inception, and their collective nouns of network, cluster, array, and suite are proof of their power when connected together.