Play Collective Noun Animals Quiz – designed for beginners. This interactive quiz questions is suitable for Grade 2, Grade 3 and Grade 4 students. By playing this quiz, language learners and students can test their knowledge about English group noun for animals. Quizzes have explanation and a scorecard based on questions attempted, correct and incorrect answers.
Let’s hop in….
1. A group of chickens is known as what?
2. A group of fish is known as what?
Explanation: School’ is used for fish when they swim together in a coordinated manner. ‘Shoal’ is similar but less organized. ‘Fleet’ applies to ships and ‘pile’ is not a collective term for living things.
3. A group of lions is called a what?
Explanation: Pride’ is uniquely used for lions reflecting their social structure. ‘Herd’ is for herbivores ‘covey’ for quail and ‘assembly’ is not typically used for animals.
4. A group of whales is called a what?
Explanation: Pod’ indicates the close-knit social groups whales form. ‘School’ is for fish ‘herd’ for land animals and ‘swarm’ for insects.
5. The collective noun for a group of ants is?
Explanation: Colony’ describes the organized community structure of ants. ‘Swarm’ refers to flying ants ‘pack’ to wolves and ‘herde’ is not a collective noun.
6. The term for a group of crows is?
Explanation: Murder’ is a poetic or folklore term specifically for crows highlighting their mysterious nature. ‘Flock’ is general for birds ‘colony’ for nesting birds and ‘swarm’ for insects.
7. What do you call a group of crabs?
Explanation: Cast’ relates to crabs shedding their shells. ‘Colony’ for social insects ‘herd’ for land animals ‘team’ for humans.
8. What do you call a group of finches?
Explanation: Charm’ suggests finches’ sweet song. ‘Flock’ is general ‘swarm’ for insects and ‘team’ for humans.
9. What do you call a group of geese (another term)?
Explanation: Geese in flight form a ‘skein’ not ‘pack’ ‘herd’ or ‘team’.
10. What do you call a group of geese?
Explanation: On the ground a group of geese is called a ‘gaggle’. ‘Skein’ or ‘wedge’ refers to geese in flight ‘flock’ is more general and ‘swarm’ is for insects.
11. What do you call a group of monkeys?
Explanation: Monkeys live in ‘troops’ in the wild indicating their social groups. ‘Band’ is for musicians ‘pack’ for wolves and ‘team’ for humans or sports groups.
12. What do you call a group of sheep?
Explanation: Flock’ is the correct term for sheep emphasizing their grouping for grazing or moving. ‘Herd’ is used for cattle ‘pack’ for wolves and ‘swarm’ for insects.
13. What do you call a group of swans?
Explanation: Bevy’ is for swans on land or water. ‘Wedge’ for flying formation ‘team’ not applicable ‘swarm’ for insects.
14. What is a group of alligators called?
Explanation: Congregation’ reflects alligators gathering to bask. ‘Herd’ for grazing animals ‘pack’ for wolves ‘team’ for humans.
15. What is a group of bats referred to as?
Explanation: Colony’ is used for bats when they roost together. ‘Cloud’ might describe their flying pattern ‘flock’ for birds and ‘swarm’ for insects.
16. What is a group of elephants called?
Explanation: Elephants move in ‘herds’ which signifies their familial bonds. ‘Pride’ is for lions ‘troop’ for monkeys and ‘school’ for fish.
17. What is the collective noun for a group of kittens?
Explanation: Litter’ is specifically for a group of newborn animals like kittens. ‘Pack’ is for wolves ‘clutch’ for eggs and ‘brood’ for birds none of which apply to kittens.
18. Which collective noun describes a group of wolves?
Explanation: Pack’ describes the social structure of wolves focusing on their hunting and living together. ‘Herde’ isn’t a term ‘swarm’ is for insects and ‘team’ for human groups.
19. Which term describes a group of bees?
Explanation: Swarm’ describes bees flying out of their hive indicating movement. ‘Colony’ refers to the bees’ organized living community not their flight. ‘Pack’ and ‘team’ are not used for bees.
20. Which term describes a group of kangaroos?
Explanation: Mob’ is used for kangaroos reflecting their grouping behavior. ‘Troop’ for monkeys ‘pack’ for wolves and ‘team’ for humans.
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