What is the Collective Noun for Economists?

The collective noun for economists is a panel. Other collective terms for economists include faculty, school, and corps.

Economists Panel A panel of economists
Economists Faculty A faculty of economists
Economists School A school of economists
Economists Corps A corps of economists
Economists Collective Noun

What is a group of Economists called?

A group of economists is called a panel. Besides, based on different situations collective names like faculty, school, and corps are used to denote a group of economists.

Economists are the people who study the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. They are the ones who analyze the economic data and provide insights into the economic trends. As such, they have their own collective noun to describe them.

A Panel of Economists

A panel of economists is the most common collective noun used to describe a group of economists. It is used to describe the group of economists who are discussing or debating a particular economic issue.

Examples sentences:

  • The panel of economists discussed the current economic situation.
  • The panel of economists debated the pros and cons of the proposed policy.
  • The panel of economists presented their views on the economic outlook.
  • The panel of economists provided their insights on the current economic trends.

A Faculty of Economists

A faculty of economists is used to describe a collective of economists who are teaching or researching in a university or college.

Examples sentences:

  • The faculty of economists at the university are renowned for their research.
  • The faculty of economists have published numerous papers on economic theory.
  • The faculty of economists have been invited to speak at conferences around the world.
  • The faculty of economists have been consulted by governments on economic policy.

A School of Economists

A school of economists is used to describe a group of economists who are working together as a team. It is often used to describe a group of economists who are working together to create a unified research or teaching agenda.

Examples sentences:

  • The school of economists worked together to create a comprehensive economic model.
  • The school was so talented, they were able to develop innovative economic theories.
  • The school was able to create a unique approach to economic analysis.
  • The school of economists presented a groundbreaking paper on economic policy.

A Corps of Economists

A corps of economists is used to denote a collective of economists collaborating to create a single, unified research or teaching agenda, often in the context of a university or college.

Examples sentences:

  • The corps of economists presented a comprehensive economic model that was well received.
  • The corps of economists in the university gave an impressive presentation.
  • The corps was so gifted, they were able to develop innovative economic theories.
  • The corps managed to generate an unparalleled approach to economic analysis.

Interesting Facts About Economists:

  • Economists have been around since the time of Ancient Greece.
  • Economists often have to learn multiple languages for their research.
  • Economists often have to learn multiple skills such as mathematics, statistics, and computer programming for their research.
  • The first Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded in 1969.
  • The youngest Nobel Laureate in Economics was Kenneth Arrow in 1972.
  • The oldest Nobel Laureate in Economics was Leonid Hurwicz in 2007.


Economists are an integral part of the economic world, and the English language has a variety of collective nouns to describe them. Whether it’s a panel, faculty, school, or corps of economists, they all work together to create innovative economic models and theories.

So, the next time you read an economic paper or listen to an economist, remember the collective nouns used to describe them and appreciate their hard work.