What is the Collective Noun for Dancers?

The collective noun for dancers is troupe. Company, cast, and corps are the other group names for dancers.

Dancers Troupe A troupe of dancers
Dancers Company A company of dancers
Dancers Cast A cast of dancers
Dancers Corps A corps of dancers
Dancers Collective Noun

What is a group of Dancers called?

A group of dancers is called a troupe. Besides, based on different situations terms like company, cast, and corps are used to denote a group of dancers.

Dancers are a unique breed of people who bring life to music and movement. They are the ones who make us feel joy, sorrow, and all kinds of emotions. As such, they have their own collective noun to describe them.

A Troupe of Dancers

A troupe of dancers is the most common collective noun used to describe a group of dancers. It is used to describe the group of dancers who are performing in a show or production.

Examples sentences:

  • The troupe of dancers in the show was amazing.
  • The troupe of dancers was so talented, they made the show a hit.
  • The troupe of dancers performed with grace and precision.
  • The troupe of dancers was able to create a unique atmosphere on stage.

A Company of Dancers

A company of dancers is used to describe a collective of performers collaborating to create a unified performance, typically in a show or production.

Examples sentences:

  • The company of dancers in the show gave an amazing performance.
  • The company of dancers worked together to create a powerful performance.
  • The company was so talented, they were able to bring the story to life.
  • The company was able to create a unique atmosphere on stage.

A Cast of Dancers

A cast of dancers is used to describe a group of dancers who are working together as a team. It is often used to describe a group of dancers who are working together to create a unified performance.

Examples sentences:

  • The cast of dancers worked together to create a stunning production.
  • The cast of dancers was so talented, they were able to bring the story to life.
  • The cast of dancers was able to create a unique atmosphere on stage.
  • The cast of dancers in the show gave an amazing performance.

A Corps of Dancers

A corps of dancers is used to describe a group of dancers who are performing together in a show or production.

Examples sentences:

  • The corps of dancers provided an enchanting demonstration of their abilities.
  • The corps of dancers made the story feel real with their vivacious showmanship.
  • The corps had great synergy, which made the show even more enjoyable for viewers.
  • The corps had an exceptional aura that drew out both laughter and tears from the audience.

Interesting Facts About Dancers:

  • Dancing has been around since ancient times.
  • Dancers often have to learn multiple styles of dance for their roles.
  • Dancers often have to learn multiple skills such as singing, acting, and acrobatics for their roles.
  • The longest running Broadway show is The Nutcracker.
  • The youngest dancer to win a Tony Award was Savion Glover in 1996.
  • The oldest dancer to win a Tony Award was Chita Rivera in 2002.


Dancers are an integral part of the entertainment industry, and the English language has a variety of collective nouns to describe them. Whether it’s a troupe, company, cast, or corps of dancers, they all work together to create amazing performances.

So, the next time you watch a show or production, remember the collective nouns used to describe the dancers and appreciate their hard work.