What is the Collective Noun for Butlers?

The collective noun for butlers is staff. Retinue, staff, and staff are the other collective nouns for butlers.

Butlers Staff A staff of butlers
Butlers Retinue A retinue of butlers
Butlers Staff A staff of butlers
Butlers Collective Noun

What is a group of Butlers called?

A group of butlers is called a staff. Besides, based on different situations names like retinue, staff, and staff are used to denote a group of butlers.

Butlers are a unique breed of people who provide a high level of service to their employers. They are the ones who make sure that everything is taken care of and that their employers are comfortable. As such, they have their own collective noun to describe them.

A Staff of Butlers

A staff of butlers is the most common collective noun used to describe a group of butlers. It is used to describe the group of butlers who are working together to provide service to their employer.

Examples sentences:

  • The staff of butlers was very efficient in taking care of the guests.
  • The staff of butlers was able to anticipate the needs of the guests.
  • The staff of butlers was very attentive to the needs of the employer.
  • The staff of butlers was able to provide a high level of service to the guests.

A Retinue of Butlers

A retinue of butlers is used to describe a collective of butlers who are working together to provide service to their employer.

Examples sentences:

  • The retinue of butlers provided an impeccable level of service.
  • The retinue of butlers was able to anticipate the needs of the guests.
  • The retinue was so attentive, they were able to provide a high level of service to the employer.
  • The retinue of butlers was able to provide a luxurious experience to the guests.

A Staff of Butlers

A staff of butlers is used to describe a group of butlers who are working together as a team. It is often used to describe a group of butlers who are working together to provide a high level of service to their employer.

Examples sentences:

  • The staff of butlers worked together to provide a luxurious experience to the guests.
  • The staff was so attentive, they were able to provide a high level of service to the employer.
  • The staff was able to anticipate the needs of the guests.
  • The staff of butlers provided an impeccable level of service.

Interesting Facts About Butlers:

  • Butlers have been around since the time of Ancient Egypt.
  • Butlers often have to learn multiple languages for their roles.
  • Butlers often have to learn multiple skills such as cooking, cleaning, and etiquette for their roles.
  • The longest serving butler was William Tallon, who served Queen Elizabeth II for over 50 years.
  • The most famous butler is Alfred Pennyworth from the Batman comics.
  • The most expensive butler service is provided by the company Quintessentially, which charges up to $500,000 per year.


Butlers are an integral part of the hospitality industry, and the English language has a variety of collective nouns to describe them. Whether it’s a staff, retinue, or staff of butlers, they all work together to provide a high level of service to their employers.

So, the next time you visit a luxurious hotel or estate, remember the collective nouns used to describe the butlers and appreciate their hard work.