What is the Collective Noun for Arsonists?

The collective noun for arsonists is a blaze. Other collective terms for arsonists include a conflagration, an inferno, and a holocaust.

Arsonists Blaze A blaze of arsonists
Arsonists Conflagration A conflagration of arsonists
Arsonists Inferno An inferno of arsonists
Arsonists Holocaust A holocaust of arsonists
Arsonists Collective Noun

What is a group of Arsonists called?

A group of arsonists is called a blaze. Besides, based on different contexts terms like conflagration, inferno and holocaust are used to denote a group of arsonists.

Arsonists are individuals who intentionally set fire to property or buildings. They are often motivated by revenge, financial gain, or a desire to cause chaos. As such, they have their own collective noun to describe them.

A Blaze of Arsonists

A blaze of arsonists is the most common collective noun used to describe a group of arsonists. It is used to describe the group of arsonists who are setting fire to property or buildings.

Examples sentences:

  • The blaze of arsonists set fire to the building.
  • The blaze of arsonists caused extensive damage to the city.
  • The blaze of arsonists was quickly apprehended by the police.
  • The blaze of arsonists was responsible for the destruction of the forest.

A Conflagration of Arsonists

A conflagration of arsonists is used to describe a collective of arsonists collaborating to create a unified fire, typically in a property or building.

Examples sentences:

  • The conflagration of arsonists caused a massive fire.
  • The conflagration of arsonists worked together to create a powerful blaze.
  • The conflagration was so talented, they were able to cause destruction.
  • The conflagration was able to create a unique atmosphere of chaos.

An Inferno of Arsonists

An inferno of arsonists is used to describe a group of arsonists who are working together as a team. It is often used to describe a group of arsonists who are working together to create a unified fire.

Examples sentences:

  • The inferno of arsonists worked together to create a devastating fire.
  • The inferno of arsonists was so talented, they were able to cause destruction.
  • The inferno was able to create a unique atmosphere of chaos.
  • The inferno of arsonists caused a massive fire.

A Holocaust of Arsonists

A holocaust of arsonists is used to describe a group of arsonists who are setting fire to property or buildings.

Examples sentences:

  • The holocaust of arsonists provided an intense demonstration of their abilities.
  • The holocaust of arsonists made the destruction feel real with their vivacious showmanship.
  • The holocaust had great synergy, which made the destruction even more devastating.
  • The holocaust had an exceptional aura that drew out both fear and terror from the people.

A Company of Arsonists

A company of arsonists is used to denote a collective of arsonists collaborating to create a single, unified fire, often in the context of a property or building.

Examples sentences:

  • The company of arsonists presented a gripping destruction that left people terrified.
  • The company of arsonists in the city gave an awe-inspiring display.
  • The company was so gifted, they were able to cause destruction.
  • The company managed to generate an unparalleled ambiance of chaos.

Interesting Facts About Arsonists:

  • Arson is one of the oldest crimes in history.
  • Arson is a crime that is punishable by law in most countries.
  • Arsonists often use accelerants such as gasoline, kerosene, and lighter fluid to start fires.
  • Arsonists often have a history of mental illness or substance abuse.
  • Arsonists often target buildings or properties that have a personal connection to them.
  • Arsonists often target buildings or properties that are unoccupied or abandoned.


Arsonists are a dangerous element of society, and the English language has a variety of collective nouns to describe them. Whether it’s a blaze, conflagration, inferno, holocaust, or company of arsonists, they all work together to cause destruction.

So, the next time you hear about an arson attack, remember the collective nouns used to describe the arsonists and be aware of their malicious intent.