The collective noun for yaks is a herd. Drove, gang, and trip are the other collective names used to describe a group of yaks.
Yaks | Herd | A herd of yaks |
Yaks | Drove | A drove of yaks |
Yaks | Gang | A gang of yaks |
Yaks | Trip | A trip of yaks |
What is a group of Yaks called?
A group of yaks is called a herd. Besides, based on different situations words like drove, gang, and trip are used to denote a group of yaks.

A herd of yaks
A herd of yaks is used to describe a large group of yaks, usually when they are grazing together in a pasture.
Examples sentences:
- The herd of yaks grazed in the meadow.
- The herd of yaks moved slowly across the field.
- The herd of yaks was content in its new home.
A drove of yaks
A drove of yaks is used to describe a group of yaks that are being driven from one place to another.
Examples sentences:
- The drove of yaks was being led to the market.
- The drove of yaks was heading to the highlands.
- The drove of yaks was slowly making its way home.
A gang of yaks
A gang of yaks is used to describe a group of yaks that are hanging out together.
Examples sentences:
- The gang of yaks was lounging in the shade.
- The gang of yaks was playing in the mud.
- The gang of yaks was enjoying the sunny day.
A trip of yaks
A trip of yaks is used to describe a group of yaks that are travelling together.
Examples sentences:
- The trip of yaks was making its way across the mountain.
- The trip of yaks was heading to the valley.
- The trip of yaks was slowly making its way home.
Interesting Facts About Yaks:
- Yaks are native to the Himalayan region of Central Asia.
- Yaks are the largest members of the cattle family.
- Yaks are used for their milk, meat, and hides.
- Yaks are well adapted to living in cold climates.
- Yaks can survive at altitudes of up to 16,000 feet.
- Yaks can carry up to 200 pounds of weight.
Yaks are a unique species that have adapted to living in some of the harshest environments on Earth. Their collective nouns of herd, drove, gang, and trip are a testament to their strength in numbers.