What is the Collective Noun for Whiting?

The collective noun for whiting is a school. Shoal, catch, and drift are the other collective nouns for whiting.

Whiting School A school of whiting
Whiting Shoal A shoal of whiting
Whiting Catch A catch of whiting
Whiting Drift A drift of whiting

What is a group of Whiting called?

A group of whiting is called a school. Besides, based on different contexts terms like shoal, catch, and drift are used to denote a group of whiting.

A School of Whiting

A school of whiting is used to describe a large group of whiting, usually when they are swimming together in a coordinated manner.

Examples sentences:

  • The school of whiting swam gracefully in the ocean.
  • The school of whiting moved in perfect unison.
  • The school of whiting was a beautiful sight to behold.

A Shoal of Whiting

A shoal of whiting is used to describe a group of whiting swimming together in a shallow area of the ocean.

Examples sentences:

  • The shoal of whiting was swimming in the shallow waters.
  • The shoal of whiting was searching for food.
  • The shoal of whiting was a stunning sight.

A Catch of Whiting

A catch of whiting is used to describe a group of whiting that has been caught by a fisherman.

Examples sentences:

  • The fisherman was proud of his catch of whiting.
  • The catch of whiting was a great success.
  • The catch of whiting was a welcome addition to the dinner table.

A Drift of Whiting

A drift of whiting is used to describe a group of whiting that is moving together in the same direction.

Examples sentences:

  • The drift of whiting was moving slowly in the ocean.
  • The drift of whiting was heading towards the shore.
  • The drift of whiting was a beautiful sight to behold.

Interesting Facts About Whiting:

  • Whiting are found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
  • Whiting are a type of fish that can grow up to 3 feet long.
  • Whiting are a popular food source and are often used in fish and chips.
  • Whiting are bottom-dwellers and feed on small crustaceans and mollusks.
  • Whiting are a schooling fish and can be found in large groups.
  • Whiting are a popular game fish and can be caught with a variety of methods.


Whiting are a beautiful and fascinating fish. Their collective nouns of school, shoal, catch, and drift are a testament to their strength in numbers.

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