What is the Collective Noun for Thrushes?

What is the Collective Noun for Thrushes?

The collective noun for thrushes is a mews. A flight, flock, and host are the other collective names for thrushes.

Thrushes Mews A mews of thrushes
Thrushes Flight A flight of thrushes
Thrushes Flock A flock of thrushes
Thrushes Host A host of thrushes
Thrushes Collective Noun

What is a group of Thrushes called?

A group of thrushes is called a mews. Besides, based on different situations terms like flight, flock, and host are used to denote a group of thrushes.

A Mews of Thrushes

A mews of thrushes is used to describe a large group of thrushes, usually when they are singing together.

Examples sentences:

  • The mews of thrushes sang a beautiful melody.
  • The mews of thrushes filled the air with their song.
  • The mews of thrushes gathered in the trees.

A Flight of Thrushes

A flight of thrushes is used to describe a group of thrushes flying together.

Examples sentences:

  • The flight of thrushes flew across the sky.
  • The flight of thrushes soared gracefully.
  • The flight of thrushes circled the tree.

A Flock of Thrushes

A flock of thrushes is used to describe a group of thrushes flying together.

Examples sentences:

  • The flock of thrushes flew across the sky.
  • The flock of thrushes soared gracefully.
  • The flock of thrushes circled the tree.

A Host of Thrushes

A host of thrushes is used to describe a large group of thrushes, usually when they are singing together.

Examples sentences:

  • The host of thrushes sang a beautiful melody.
  • The host of thrushes filled the air with their song.
  • The host of thrushes gathered in the trees.

Interesting Facts About Thrushes:

  • Thrushes are small to medium-sized birds.
  • Thrushes are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
  • Thrushes are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals.
  • Thrushes are known for their beautiful songs.
  • Thrushes are migratory birds, meaning they travel long distances during the winter.
  • Thrushes are important seed dispersers, helping to spread plants throughout their habitats.


Thrushes are beautiful birds with a variety of collective nouns that reflect their social behavior. Whether they are singing in a mews, flying in a flight, or gathering in a flock, thrushes are a joy to behold.

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