What is the Collective Noun for Spiders?

What is the Collective Noun for Spiders?

The collective noun for spiders is a cluster. Colony, cluster, and web are the other group names for spiders.

Spiders Cluster A cluster of spiders
Spiders Colony A colony of spiders
Spiders Web A web of spiders
Spiders Collective Noun

What is a group of Spiders called?

A group of spiders is called a cluster. Besides, based on different situations collective terms like colony and web are used to denote a group of spiders.

A Cluster of Spiders

A cluster of spiders is used to describe a large group of spiders, usually when they are living in close proximity to each other.

Examples sentences:

  • The cluster of spiders was living in the corner of the room.
  • The cluster of spiders was spinning webs in the garden.
  • The cluster of spiders was scurrying around the house.

A Colony of Spiders

A colony of spiders is used to describe a group of spiders living together in a single nest.

Examples sentences:

  • The colony of spiders was busy spinning webs.
  • The colony of spiders had built a large nest.
  • The colony of spiders was thriving in its new home.

A Web of Spiders

A web of spiders is used to describe a group of spiders living together in a single web.

Examples sentences:

  • The web of spiders was busy spinning webs.
  • The web of spiders had built a large web.
  • The web of spiders was thriving in its new home.

Interesting Facts About Spiders:

  • Spiders have eight legs.
  • Spiders have two body parts.
  • Spiders have eight eyes.
  • Spiders have fangs that inject venom.
  • Spiders have the ability to spin webs.
  • Spiders can live for up to two years.


Spiders may be small, but they are fascinating! Their collective nouns of cluster, colony, and web are a testament to their strength in numbers.

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