What is the Collective Noun for Snakes?

The most common collective noun for snakes is a bed. Den, nest, pit, and knot are the other collective names used for snakes.

Snakes Bed A bed of snakes
Snakes Den A den of snakes
Snakes Nest A nest of snakes
Snakes Pit A pit of snakes
Snakes Knot A knot of snakes
Snakes Collective Noun

What is a group of Snakes called?

A group of snakes is called a bed. Besides, based on different contexts words like den, nest, pit, and knot are used to describe a group of snakes.

A Bed of Snakes

A bed of snakes is used to describe a large group of snakes, usually when they are coiled together in a pile.

Examples sentences:

  • The bed of snakes was coiled together in a pile.
  • The bed of snakes was slithering across the ground.
  • The bed of snakes was hissing in unison.

A Den of Snakes

A den of snakes is used to describe a group of snakes living together in a single den.

Examples sentences:

  • The den of snakes was hiding in the shadows.
  • The den of snakes was slithering around the cave.
  • The den of snakes was hissing in the darkness.

A Nest of Snakes

A nest of snakes is used to describe a group of snakes living together in a single nest.

Examples sentences:

  • The nest of snakes was slithering around the tree.
  • The nest of snakes was coiled together in a pile.
  • The nest of snakes was hissing in unison.

A Pit of Snakes

A pit of snakes is used to describe a group of snakes living together in a single pit.

Examples sentences:

  • The pit of snakes was slithering around the hole.
  • The pit of snakes was coiled together in a pile.
  • The pit of snakes was hissing in the darkness.

A Knot of Snakes

A knot of snakes is used to describe a group of snakes living together in a single knot.

Examples sentences:

  • The knot of snakes was slithering around the tree.
  • The knot of snakes was coiled together in a pile.
  • The knot of snakes was hissing in unison.

Interesting Facts About Snakes:

  • Snakes have been around for over 150 million years.
  • Snakes can sense vibrations in the ground.
  • Snakes can go for months without food.
  • Snakes can detect heat with their tongues.
  • Snakes can swallow prey much larger than their heads.
  • Snakes can move without using their legs.


Snakes may be feared by many, but their collective nouns of bed and den are a testament to their strength in numbers.