What is the Collective Noun for Sharks?

The collective noun for sharks is a shiver. School, pack, and herd are the other group names for sharks.

Sharks Shiver A shiver of sharks
Sharks School A school of sharks
Sharks Pack A pack of sharks
Sharks Herd A herd of sharks
Sharks Collective Noun

What is a group of Sharks called?

A group of sharks is called a shiver. Besides, based on different situations terms like school, pack, and herd are used to denote a group of sharks.

A Shiver of Sharks

A shiver of sharks is used to describe a group of sharks swimming together. It is thought to have originated from the old English word shive, which means a group of people.

Examples sentences:

  • The shiver of sharks swam gracefully in the ocean.
  • The shiver of sharks moved as one, hunting for prey.
  • The shiver of sharks was an impressive sight.

A School of Sharks

A school of sharks is used to describe a group of sharks swimming together in a coordinated manner.

Examples sentences:

  • The school of sharks circled the boat.
  • The school of sharks moved in perfect unison.
  • The school of sharks was a majestic sight.

A Pack of Sharks

A pack of sharks is used to describe a group of sharks hunting together.

Examples sentences:

  • The pack of sharks was hunting for food.
  • The pack of sharks was relentless in its pursuit.
  • The pack of sharks was a fearsome sight.

A Herd of Sharks

A herd of sharks is used to describe a group of sharks swimming together in a coordinated manner.

Examples sentences:

  • The herd of sharks was swimming in the ocean.
  • The herd of sharks moved in perfect harmony.
  • The herd of sharks was an incredible sight.

Interesting Facts About Sharks:

  • Sharks have been around for over 400 million years.
  • Sharks can sense electrical fields in the water.
  • Sharks can detect one drop of blood in 25 gallons of water.
  • Sharks have an extra sense organ called the ampullae of Lorenzini.
  • Sharks can swim up to 25 miles per hour.
  • Sharks have an average lifespan of 20 to 30 years.


Sharks are one of the most fascinating creatures in the ocean. Their collective nouns of shiver, school, pack, and herd are a testament to their strength in numbers.