What is the Collective Noun for Puppies?

The collective noun for puppies is a litter. Pack, litter, and kindle are the other collective nouns for puppies.

Puppies Litter A litter of puppies
Puppies Pack A pack of puppies
Puppies Kindle A kindle of puppies
Puppies Collective Names

What is a group of Puppies called?

A group of puppies is called a litter. Besides, based on different situations words like pack and kindle are used to call a group of puppies.

A Litter of Puppies

A litter of puppies is used to describe a group of puppies born to the same mother at the same time.

Examples sentences:

  • The litter of puppies was playing in the yard.
  • The litter of puppies was snuggled up together in the corner.
  • The litter of puppies was exploring the new environment.

A Pack of Puppies

A pack of puppies is used to describe a group of puppies living together in a single home.

Examples sentences:

  • The pack of puppies was running around the house.
  • The pack of puppies was chasing each other around the yard.
  • The pack of puppies was having a great time playing together.

A Kindle of Puppies

A kindle of puppies is used to describe a group of puppies born to the same mother at the same time.

Examples sentences:

  • The kindle of puppies was playing in the yard.
  • The kindle of puppies was snuggled up together in the corner.
  • The kindle of puppies was exploring the new environment.

Interesting Facts About Puppies:

  • Puppies can learn up to 250 words.
  • Puppies can start to see at around two weeks old.
  • Puppies can start to hear at around three weeks old.
  • Puppies can start to walk at around four weeks old.
  • Puppies can start to bark at around six weeks old.
  • Puppies can start to recognize their owners at around eight weeks old.


Puppies are adorable and their collective nouns of litter, pack, and kindle are a testament to their cuteness!