What is the Collective Noun for Porcupines?

The collective noun for porcupines is a prickle. However, depending on the context, other collective terms such as a bed porcupines and a rump of porcupines are also used to describe a group of porcupines.

Porcupines Prickle A prickle of porcupines
Porcupines Bed A bed of porcupines
Porcupines Rump A rump of porcupines
Porcupines Collective Noun

What is a group of Porcupines called?

A group of porcupines is called a prickle. In different context collective names such as a bed and a rump of porcupines can also be used.

Porcupines Collective Noun

A Prickle of Porcupines

A prickle of porcupines is used to describe a group of porcupines, usually when they are gathered together in one place.

Examples sentences:

  • The prickle of porcupines was huddled together for warmth.
  • The prickle of porcupines was searching for food.
  • The prickle of porcupines was a formidable sight.

A Bed of Porcupines

A bed of porcupines is used to describe a group of porcupines sleeping together in one place.

Examples sentences:

  • The bed of porcupines was snuggled together for warmth.
  • The bed of porcupines was sleeping soundly.
  • The bed of porcupines was a peaceful sight.

A Rump of Porcupines

A rump of porcupines is used to describe a group of porcupines running together in one direction.

Examples sentences:

  • The rump of porcupines was running away from danger.
  • The rump of porcupines was running towards safety.
  • The rump of porcupines was a sight to behold.

Interesting Facts About Porcupines:

  • Porcupines are the second largest rodents in the world.
  • Porcupines can live up to 10 years in the wild.
  • Porcupines have over 30,000 quills on their body.
  • Porcupines can swim and climb trees.
  • Porcupines are mostly nocturnal animals.
  • Porcupines are herbivores and mostly eat plants.


Porcupines may be small, but they are mighty! Their collective nouns of prickle, bed, and rump are a testament to their strength in numbers.

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