What is the Collective Noun for Polar?

The collective noun for polar bears is a sloth. Pack, family, and cubs are the other collective names used for polar bears.

Polar Bears Sloth A sloth of polar bears
Polar Bears Pack A pack of polar bears
Polar Bears Family A family of polar bears
Polar Bears Cubs A cubs of polar bears
Polar Collective Noun

What is a group of Polar Bears called?

A group of polar bears is called a sloth. Besides, based on different contexts words like pack, family, and cubs are used to denote a group of polar bears.

A Sloth of Polar Bears

A sloth of polar bears is used to describe a large group of polar bears, usually when they are resting or sleeping.

Examples sentences:

  • The sloth of polar bears was resting on the ice.
  • The sloth of polar bears was sleeping in the snow.
  • The sloth of polar bears was snuggled together for warmth.

A Pack of Polar Bears

A pack of polar bears is used to describe a group of polar bears living together in a single area.

Examples sentences:

  • The pack of polar bears was hunting for food.
  • The pack of polar bears had gathered around a seal.
  • The pack of polar bears was playing in the snow.

A Family of Polar Bears

A family of polar bears is used to describe a group of polar bears living together in a single area.

Examples sentences:

  • The family of polar bears was hunting for food.
  • The family of polar bears had gathered around a seal.
  • The family of polar bears was playing in the snow.

Interesting Facts About Polar Bears:

  • Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world.
  • Polar bears are excellent swimmers and can swim up to 6 miles per hour.
  • Polar bears have black skin and clear fur.
  • Polar bears have an excellent sense of smell and can detect prey up to 20 miles away.
  • Polar bears have a thick layer of fat that helps them stay warm in the cold Arctic climate.
  • Polar bears are solitary animals and only come together to mate.


Polar bears are majestic creatures that have adapted to survive in the harsh Arctic climate. Their collective nouns of sloth, pack, and family are a testament to their strength in numbers.