What is the Collective Noun for Pigeons?

The collective noun for pigeons is a kit or a loft. Flock, bevy, and dole are the other group names for pigeons.

Pigeons Kit A kit of pigeons
Pigeons Loft A loft of pigeons
Pigeons Flock A flock of pigeons
Pigeons Bevy A bevy of pigeons
Pigeons Dole A dole of pigeons
Pigeons Collective Noun

What is a group of Pigeons called?

A group of pigeons is called a kit or a loft. Besides, based on different situations terms like flock, bevy, and dole are used to denote a group of pigeons.

A Kit of Pigeons

A kit of pigeons is used to describe a group of pigeons that are closely related, usually living in the same area.

Examples sentences:

  • The kit of pigeons was perched on the roof.
  • The kit of pigeons was cooing in the park.
  • The kit of pigeons was searching for food.

A Loft of Pigeons

A loft of pigeons is used to describe a group of pigeons living together in a single area, such as a barn or a rooftop.

Examples sentences:

  • The loft of pigeons was cooing in the barn.
  • The loft of pigeons was perched on the rooftop.
  • The loft of pigeons was searching for food.

A Flock of Pigeons

A flock of pigeons is used to describe a group of pigeons flying together in the sky.

Examples sentences:

  • The flock of pigeons was soaring in the sky.
  • The flock of pigeons was flying in formation.
  • The flock of pigeons was searching for food.

A Bevy of Pigeons

A bevy of pigeons is used to describe a group of pigeons that are gathered together in one place.

Examples sentences:

  • The bevy of pigeons was perched on the rooftop.
  • The bevy of pigeons was cooing in the park.
  • The bevy of pigeons was searching for food.

A Dole of Pigeons

A dole of pigeons is used to describe a group of pigeons that are gathered together in one place.

Examples sentences:

  • The dole of pigeons was perched on the rooftop.
  • The dole of pigeons was cooing in the park.
  • The dole of pigeons was searching for food.

Interesting Facts About Pigeons:

  • Pigeons can fly up to 60 miles per hour.
  • Pigeons can recognize individual humans.
  • Pigeons can find their way home from hundreds of miles away.
  • Pigeons can remember up to 100 different routes.
  • Pigeons can recognize individual humans.
  • Pigeons can live up to 15 years in the wild.


Pigeons are amazing creatures with an impressive range of collective nouns. From kits to doves, these birds have a variety of words to describe their groupings.