What is the Collective Noun for Peacocks?

The collective noun for peacocks is a pride. Muster, ostentation, and party are the other collective nouns for peacocks.

Peacocks Pride A pride of peacocks
Peacocks Muster A muster of peacocks
Peacocks Ostentation An ostentation of peacocks
Peacocks Party A party of peacocks
Peacocks Collective Noun

What is a group of Peacocks called?

A group of peacocks is called a pride. Besides, based on different situations names like muster, ostentation, and party are used to denote a group of peacocks.

A Pride of Peacocks

A pride of peacocks is used to describe a group of peacocks that are living together in a single flock.

Examples sentences:

  • The pride of peacocks strutted across the lawn.
  • The pride of peacocks was preening its feathers.
  • The pride of peacocks was searching for food.

A Muster of Peacocks

A muster of peacocks is used to describe a group of peacocks that are gathering together in a single flock.

Examples sentences:

  • The muster of peacocks was gathering in the meadow.
  • The muster of peacocks was strutting around the pond.
  • The muster of peacocks was searching for food.

An Ostentation of Peacocks

An ostentation of peacocks is used to describe a group of peacocks that are displaying their colorful feathers.

Examples sentences:

  • The ostentation of peacocks was showing off its feathers.
  • The ostentation of peacocks was strutting around the garden.
  • The ostentation of peacocks was preening its feathers.

A Party of Peacocks

A party of peacocks is used to describe a group of peacocks that are gathering together in a single flock.

Examples sentences:

  • The party of peacocks was strutting around the garden.
  • The party of peacocks was searching for food.
  • The party of peacocks was preening its feathers.

Interesting Facts About Peacocks:

  • Peacocks are native to India and Sri Lanka.
  • Peacocks are the national bird of India.
  • Peacocks are omnivores and eat insects, plants, and small animals.
  • Peacocks are known for their colorful and elaborate feathers.
  • Peacocks are able to fly, but prefer to walk.
  • Peacocks are able to make a variety of sounds.


Peacocks are beautiful and majestic birds that are known for their colorful and elaborate feathers. Their collective nouns of pride, muster, ostentation, and party are a testament to their beauty and grace.