What is the Collective Noun for Herrings?

The collective noun for herrings is a shoal. School, run, and catch are the other collective nouns for herrings.

Herrings Shoal A shoal of herrings
Herrings School A school of herrings
Herrings Run A run of herrings
Herrings Catch A catch of herrings
Herrings Collective Noun

What is a group of Herrings called?

A group of herrings is called a shoal. Besides, based on different situations names like school, run, and catch are used to denote a group of herrings.

A Shoal of Herrings

A shoal of herrings is used to describe a large group of herrings, usually when they are swimming together in the same direction.

Examples sentences:

  • The shoal of herrings swam gracefully in the ocean.
  • The shoal of herrings moved in unison.
  • The shoal of herrings was a beautiful sight to behold.

A School of Herrings

A school of herrings is used to describe a group of herrings swimming together in a coordinated manner.

Examples sentences:

  • The school of herrings swam in perfect harmony.
  • The school of herrings moved in unison.
  • The school of herrings was a beautiful sight to behold.

A Run of Herrings

A run of herrings is used to describe a group of herrings swimming together in a single direction.

Examples sentences:

  • The run of herrings swam swiftly in the ocean.
  • The run of herrings moved in unison.
  • The run of herrings was a beautiful sight to behold.

A Catch of Herrings

A catch of herrings is used to describe a group of herrings caught by a fisherman.

Examples sentences:

  • The catch of herrings was quickly sold at the market.
  • The catch of herrings was a great success for the fisherman.
  • The catch of herrings was a great addition to the fisherman’s dinner.

Interesting Facts About Herrings:

  • Herrings are small, silver-colored fish found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
  • Herrings are a popular food source for humans and other animals.
  • Herrings are an important part of the ocean’s food chain.
  • Herrings are a type of fish known for their schooling behavior.
  • Herrings are a type of fish that can live up to 20 years.
  • Herrings are a type of fish that can grow up to 30 centimeters in length.


Herrings are an important part of the ocean’s food chain and their collective nouns of shoal, school, run, and catch are a testament to their strength in numbers.