What is the Collective Noun for Geese?

The collective noun for geese is a gaggle. Flock, skein, and team are the other collective names used for geese.

Geese Gaggle A gaggle of geese
Geese Flock A flock of geese
Geese Skein A skein of geese
Geese Team A team of geese
Geese Collective Noun

What is a group of Geese called?

A group of geese is called a gaggle. Besides, based on different situations terms like flock, skein, and team are used to denote a group of geese.

A Gaggle of Geese

A gaggle of geese is used to describe a large group of geese, usually when they are gathered together in a large flock.

Examples sentences:

  • The gaggle of geese flew in formation across the sky.
  • The gaggle of geese gathered in the park.
  • The gaggle of geese honked as they flew overhead.

A Flock of Geese

A flock of geese is used to describe a group of geese flying together in a V-formation.

Examples sentences:

  • The flock of geese flew in a V-formation across the sky.
  • The flock of geese honked as they flew overhead.
  • The flock of geese was heading south for the winter.

A Skein of Geese

A skein of geese is used to describe a group of geese flying together in a long, straight line.

Examples sentences:

  • The skein of geese flew in a long, straight line across the sky.
  • The skein of geese honked as they flew overhead.
  • The skein of geese was heading south for the winter.

A Team of Geese

A team of geese is used to describe a group of geese flying together in a tight formation.

Examples sentences:

  • The team of geese flew in a tight formation across the sky.
  • The team of geese honked as they flew overhead.
  • The team of geese was heading south for the winter.

Interesting Facts About Geese:

  • Geese are social animals and form strong bonds with their mates.
  • Geese are monogamous and mate for life.
  • Geese are highly territorial and will defend their nests aggressively.
  • Geese are excellent navigators and can fly up to 1,500 miles in a single day.
  • Geese are very vocal and can make a variety of sounds.
  • Geese are omnivores and eat a variety of plants and animals.


Geese are amazing creatures with an impressive collective noun of gaggle, flock, skein, and team. They are social animals with strong bonds and are excellent navigators.