What is the Collective Noun for Foxes?

What is the Collective Noun for Foxes?

The collective noun for foxes is skulk. Troop, leash, and earth are the other group names for foxes.

Foxes Skulk A skulk of foxes
Foxes Troop A troop of foxes
Foxes Leash A leash of foxes
Foxes Earth An earth of foxes
Foxes Collective Noun

What is a group of Foxes called?

A group of foxes is called a skulk. Besides, based on different situations names like troop, leash, and earth are used to denote a group of foxes.

A Skulk of Foxes

A skulk of foxes is used to describe a group of foxes that are usually seen together in the wild. It is also used to describe a group of foxes that are living together in a den.

Examples sentences:

  • The skulk of foxes was seen running across the field.
  • The skulk of foxes was living in the den.
  • The skulk of foxes was hunting for food.

A Troop of Foxes

A troop of foxes is used to describe a group of foxes that are usually seen together in the wild. It is also used to describe a group of foxes that are living together in a den.

Examples sentences:

  • The troop of foxes was seen running across the field.
  • The troop of foxes was living in the den.
  • The troop of foxes was hunting for food.

A Leash of Foxes

A leash of foxes is used to describe a group of foxes that are usually seen together in the wild. It is also used to describe a group of foxes that are living together in a den.

Examples sentences:

  • The leash of foxes was seen running across the field.
  • The leash of foxes was living in the den.
  • The leash of foxes was hunting for food.

An Earth of Foxes

An earth of foxes is used to describe a group of foxes that are living together in a den.

Examples sentences:

  • The earth of foxes was living in the den.
  • The earth of foxes was hunting for food.
  • The earth of foxes was seen running across the field.

Interesting Facts About Foxes:

  • Foxes are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals.
  • Foxes are very intelligent animals.
  • Foxes have excellent hearing and sense of smell.
  • Foxes are solitary animals, but they do form small family groups.
  • Foxes are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night.
  • Foxes are found in a variety of habitats, from forests to deserts.


Foxes are fascinating animals, and their collective nouns of skulk, troop, leash, and earth are a testament to their intelligence and adaptability.

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