What is the Collective Noun for Crows?

The collective noun for crows is a murder. A flock, a horde, and a conspiracy are the other group names for crows.

Crows Murder A murder of crows
Crows Flock A flock of crows
Crows Horde A horde of crows
Crows Conspiracy A conspiracy of crows
Crows Collective Noun

What is a group of Crows called?

A group of crows is called a murder. Besides, based on different situations terms like flock, horde, and conspiracy are used to denote a group of crows.

A Murder of Crows

A murder of crows is used to describe a large group of crows, usually when they are flying together in a flock.

Examples sentences:

  • A murder of crows flew across the sky.
  • The murder of crows was cawing loudly.
  • The murder of crows was a dark cloud in the sky.

A Flock of Crows

A flock of crows is used to describe a group of crows flying together in a flock.

Examples sentences:

  • The flock of crows was soaring in the sky.
  • The flock of crows was cawing loudly.
  • The flock of crows was a dark cloud in the sky.

A Horde of Crows

A horde of crows is used to describe a large group of crows, usually when they are gathered together on the ground.

Examples sentences:

  • The horde of crows was cawing loudly.
  • The horde of crows was searching for food.
  • The horde of crows was a dark cloud on the ground.

A Conspiracy of Crows

A conspiracy of crows is used to describe a group of crows gathered together on the ground, usually when they are plotting something.

Examples sentences:

  • The conspiracy of crows was cawing loudly.
  • The conspiracy of crows was plotting something.
  • The conspiracy of crows was a dark cloud on the ground.

Interesting Facts About Crows:

  • Crows are among the most intelligent birds in the world.
  • Crows can recognize individual human faces.
  • Crows can remember the location of food sources for up to three years.
  • Crows can use tools to solve problems.
  • Crows can recognize the calls of other crows.
  • Crows can live up to 14 years in the wild.


Crows are fascinating creatures, and their collective nouns of murder, flock, horde, and conspiracy are a testament to their intelligence and social behavior.