What is the Collective Noun for Beavers?

The collective noun for beavers is a colony. Family, lodge, and team are the other collective terms used for beavers.

Beavers Colony A colony of beavers
Beavers Family A family of beavers
Beavers Lodge A lodge of beavers
Beavers Team A team of beavers
Beavers Collective Noun

What is a group of Beavers called?

A group of beavers is called a colony. Besides, based on different situations words like family, lodge, and team are used to denote a group of beavers.

A Colony of Beavers

A colony of beavers is used to describe a large group of beavers, usually when they are living together in a single lodge.

Examples sentences:

  • The colony of beavers was busy building their lodge.
  • The colony of beavers had built a large dam.
  • The colony of beavers was thriving in its new home.

A Family of Beavers

A family of beavers is used to describe a group of beavers living together in a single lodge.

Examples sentences:

  • The family of beavers was busy gathering food.
  • The family of beavers had built a large dam.
  • The family of beavers was thriving in its new home.

A Lodge of Beavers

A lodge of beavers is used to describe a group of beavers living together in a single lodge.

Examples sentences:

  • The lodge of beavers was busy gathering food.
  • The lodge of beavers had built a large dam.
  • The lodge of beavers was thriving in its new home.

A Team of Beavers

A team of beavers is used to describe a group of beavers working together to achieve a common goal.

Examples sentences:

  • The team of beavers worked together to build a dam.
  • The team of beavers was determined to find food.
  • The team of beavers marched across the river.

Interesting Facts About Beavers:

  • Beavers are the largest rodents in North America.
  • Beavers have webbed hind feet and a flat, scaly tail.
  • Beavers are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes.
  • Beavers are herbivores and eat a variety of plants, including leaves, twigs, bark, and roots.
  • Beavers build dams to create deep water pools, which provide protection from predators.
  • Beavers are social animals and live in family groups.


Beavers are amazing creatures! Their collective nouns of colony, family, lodge, and team are a testament to their strength in numbers.