What is the Collective Noun for Bears?

The collective noun for bears is sloth. Sleuth, slumber, and sow are the other collective names for bears.

Bears Sloth A sloth of bears
Bears Sleuth A sleuth of bears
Bears Slumber A slumber of bears
Bears Sow A sow of bears
Bears Collective Noun

What is a group of Bears called?

A group of bears is called a sloth. Besides, based on different situations terms like sleuth, slumber, and sow are used to denote a group of bears.

A Sloth of Bears

A sloth of bears is used to describe a large group of bears, usually when they are moving slowly or resting.

Examples sentences:

  • The sloth of bears moved slowly across the meadow.
  • The sloth of bears was resting in the shade.
  • The sloth of bears was content to take its time.

A Sleuth of Bears

A sleuth of bears is used to describe a group of bears that are searching for food or exploring their surroundings.

Examples sentences:

  • The sleuth of bears was searching for food.
  • The sleuth of bears was exploring the forest.
  • The sleuth of bears was determined to find a new home.

A Slumber of Bears

A slumber of bears is used to describe a group of bears that are sleeping or resting.

Examples sentences:

  • The slumber of bears was sleeping peacefully.
  • The slumber of bears was resting in the sun.
  • The slumber of bears was content to take a nap.

A Sow of Bears

A sow of bears is used to describe a group of female bears.

Examples sentences:

  • The sow of bears was searching for food.
  • The sow of bears was exploring the forest.
  • The sow of bears was determined to find a new home.

Interesting Facts About Bears:

  • Bears are found on every continent except Antarctica.
  • Bears have an excellent sense of smell.
  • Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals.
  • Bears are excellent swimmers and climbers.
  • Bears can run up to 40 miles per hour.
  • Bears can live up to 25 years in the wild.


Bears are powerful and majestic creatures, and their collective nouns of sloth, sleuth, slumber, and sow reflect their strength and beauty.